Chest PT

You all read here about Nicholas getting chest pt twice a day at home and four times a day while here in the hospital.  This is beneficial to all patients with cystic fibrosis because it helps to loosen the mucous in their lungs.  Some of you have seen him get his pt, but many of you haven’t.  When Nicholas is at home he uses a vest to get his therapy.  I’ve put a video up here to show how that works.  When he is in the hospital, he gets what we call “manual” chest pt because therapists use their hands. 

One of Nicholas’ favorite therapists worked his last day at the hospital today.  He is going to Australia for a year and a half to work towards his Master’s Degree.  He let me video part of his therapy session with Nick this evening so you can get an idea of what he has to do.  Each session lasts about 25 minutes.  He “pats” 5 different areas of Nicholas’ body – his chest, each of his sides, and upper and lower back for 5 minutes each.  Here is what it looks and sounds like.  Nicholas is humming in the video – that’s why you hear me tell him to cut it out.

We will miss you Taleb!  Good luck!