Why this Blog?

Hey everybody.  Welcome to the “What’s Up with Nick” blog.  This blog has been created by me – Nick’s mom – to help keep everyone updated on how he is doing.  Unfortunately, I don’t have everyone’s email address and I miss letting you guys know what is going on.  This way, everyone will know what is going on by checking the blog.   I hope you will use it, not only to find out what is going on with him, but as a tool to communicate with him as well, especially when he is in the hospital.

Nicholas is 17 years old and he has cystic fibrosis.  He was diagnosed in 1994 when he was 18 months old.  He is also hypoglycemic, which means that he has low blood sugar levels.  Over the years, he has had many surgeries and hospitalizations.  This site is designed to allow our family and friends to keep up to date on how he is doing through out the year, but mostly when he is sick and in the hospital.  Anyone who has cf, or knows someone with the disease, may find it useful as well.  Feel free to post comments at any time.

7 Responses to “Why this Blog?”

  1. Chase Hollins Says:


    If you want to add Facebook or email sharing buttons to your blog posts, there’s a plugin that does it for you: http://tinyurl.com/sharebuttons

    Hope you find it helpful!


  2. amanda Says:

    Hey nick. Mrs. Brower aint here-we have a sub. were doing work but i thought id send a quick comment to say hey..

  3. amanda Says:

    Hey nick im glad you are doing well. well i will be praying for you and your friend.

  4. akeorlando Says:

    Hi, Robin. I work for a company called IZEA, and every month we highlight a blogger who is doing great things to support a cause or charity. I think your blog fits this program perfectly, and am wondering if you might want to be featured for the month of September.

    If so, please e-mail me directly at ashley[at]izea[dot]com. This would be a fantastic opportunity for you to bring some recognition not only to your blog but to your cause as well.

  5. Judy and Doug Harrell Says:

    Hope things continue to go well with you. Tell your Mom hello. We are cousins. On cousin Spicey’s side of the family. Get you Mom to tell you. P.S. Our daughter, Joanne says hello

  6. Aunt Martha Says:

    Praise God for a good report. Now that Nicholas is coming, bring on the turkey! It ‘s been a long haul. I pray for continued improvement. EAT EAT EAT!!!

  7. Sheryle Rackley Says:

    I just wanted to let you know you are in my thoughts and prayers.

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